How do I know if a keratin treatment is the right option for me?
Is unwanted frizz impacting your confidence? Do concerns about frizzy hair prevent you from engaging in or enjoying certain activities?If you answered, ‘Yes!’ to either of the above questions, a keratin treatment is definitely worth your consideration.
Ask the experts!
Keratin straightening treatments for curls, waves or frizz are not new arrivals on the haircare scene. However, they’ve enjoyed serious investment, expansion and evolution in recent years, with hundreds of highly effective brands successfully developed. Consequently, they’ve been enthusiastically embraced by happy hairdressers and clients the world over.
If this is an area you’re unfamiliar with, the best starting point would be to sit down with one of our keratin experts and talk through any questions or concerns you may have. We’ll run through the pros and cons associated with using this type of treatment in the context of your own specific circumstances, ultimately helping you make a decision about whether or not it’s right for you.

What is keratin?
Keratin is a strong protein naturally produced by our bodies, and one that helps maintain quality hair, skin and nails. The good news for hair is that keratin smoothens it by helping to prevent breakage, and protecting from heat damage.
What is a keratin hair treatment?
It’s an unfortunate fact that, for a variety of reasons, levels of naturally occurring keratin in the hair often become depleted, resulting in more frustrating frizz. A keratin treatment – also known as a Brazilian blowout – has therefore become an important and popular treatment option, thanks to its ability to give locks a sometimes much-needed protein boost.

Who can benefit?
A keratin treatment can be used for a wide variety of outcomes. For example, creating dead-straight locks, smooth hair, natural looking curls (very on-trend in 2021!) or a classic wave. At Co and Pace Salons, our recommended approach will be designed around your specific hair type (alongside your concerns, desired outcomes and lifestyle.)
Is keratin good for curly hair?
In regard to 2021 trends, clients overwhelmingly do not want to eliminate all their natural curls and waves, simply being left with straight hair.
The number one ‘myth-busting’ fact to remember about a keratin smoothing treatment is it does not eliminate natural waves or curls. In fact, it can be used to achieve quite the opposite! Simultaneously, it will improve the aesthetic appeal of hair in its natural state, reduce frizz (particularly important in humid climates!), enhance colour, and straighten or tame curls for that shiny and natural look that’s proving so popular this year.

Can keratin help tame my frizz?
The simple answer is, ‘Yes!’ Frizz is a hassle nobody needs. It can not only impact confidence, but can also interfere with the enjoyment of certain conditions and activities.
While treatments are still available for those who wish to achieve dead-straight locks, more often we are being asked about ways to retain and heighten the natural condition of hair, while at the same time eliminating frizz or taming full-on curls to create a more relaxed finish.
Thankfully, the number of available keratin treatment products has increased year-on-year, allowing for various end-results. Delivered by expert hands, the treatment work and application process can be adapted to meet the specific needs of hair, personal aesthetic and maintenance goals.
What type of keratin treatment do you use and recommend?
At Co and Pace Salons, we understand there are lots of high-quality keratin treatment alternatives on the market. Personally, we favour a version known as the Lakmé Aura Smoothing Treatment.
Our decision to adopt this product was influenced by factors including its impressive claim of being the first ever biotechnological, vegan, hair smoothing treatment. Made entirely using organic ingredients, we’ve found this to be the best product for straightening, softening and shining, when compared to a number of market alternatives.

What makes the Lakmé Aura Smoothing Treatment so effective?
When compared to other available products, the Lakmé Aura Smoothing Treatment has greater capabilities for moisture retention and general hair manageability. As it is a semi-permanent option – unlike a chemical straightening solution – the natural movement and volume of hair remains exactly as it was pre-treatment. The only difference is drying time is reduced, whether naturally or blow dried. So . . . that’s surely a win / win, right?
Over and above these significant advantages, the Lakmé Aura Smoothing Treatment coats hair with an anti-pollution barrier, further protecting locks from the harsh Aussie elements.
Can you help me decide on a solution to meet my specific needs?
When it comes to deciding on the right treatment for you, there are many considerations to ponder, including hair colour (natural / dyed), regular maintenance, lifestyle and preferred aesthetic.
Let us walk you through the advantages and disadvantages of the various products and techniques as they relate to your unique circumstances. This will help us to help you make the right choice about whether keratin is your best option (and if so, the most appropriate product and approach to application.)
We can also help you select the right hair care products for maintenance. For example, always go for sulfate-free options, as these do not strip the treatment from the hair.

Are you a swimmer?
Depending on a number of factors, including lifestyle and maintenance routine, the frizz-free results of a single keratin treatment should last for up to six months (four at a minimum.)
Chlorine is particularly damaging and will disintegrate the keratin layer in very little time. Regular ocean swims can cause issues too, with saltwater known to significantly shorten a keratin treatment’s effectiveness.
Swimmer or not, if results fade faster than expected, discuss your hair care regime and any other contributing factors with us. We can tap into our expertise to identify potential areas of your lifestyle and approach to maintenance that could be improved for extended results.
Do you have unwanted frizz? Do you feel addressing it will boost confidence in your appearance? Individualised support and advice direct from a recognised provider of some of the best keratin treatments in Brisbane is definitely worth considering!
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